Adventures in Running with Maurine

You should read this – Unbroken

1 Comment

Last Saturday I was glued to the couch half of the day reading “Unbroken” by Laura Hillenbrand. This is the true story of Louis Zamperini – an Olympic runner that had the potential to be the first person to break the 4 minute mile barrier but was called off to serve in World War II as a bombardier. Life takes a drastic change for Louis Zamperini after his plane crashes and he survives 40+ days at sea near death in a life raft and then years of torture in Japanese POW camps.

Without giving away the story, I will say that I was touched, cried, and felt like an absolute wuss for complaining about being hungry, tired, overworked, etc.

As a teenager I read every book I could find about survival in Vietnamese POW camps and this brought back all those memories and made me realize the potential we have within ourselves that usually remains untapped and the ability for God to help us every day in our lives. I was also left with renewed gratitude to the many men and women who are willing to serve in the Armed Forces throughout the world and the sacrifices they and their families make.

One thought on “You should read this – Unbroken

  1. You're a sweetheart! Mostly it made me feel exhausted. I don't think I really understood how bad it could be. Made me realize I am spoiled, and should appreciate all I have more. I enjoy reading with you! Love, Auntie M


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