Adventures in Running with Maurine

Taking an idea and "running" with it


Thanks to Jim Kern for a great idea!

While volunteering at the Pony Express Trail Run in October, Jim Kern showed me his organizer for running supplies. I thought it was brilliant, so created two small versions of the same thing so that I can keep one in my car and have one as a backup. They have similar but not identical contents.

Container: Tool box

Top Layer: Container for holding S Caps, eyedrops, lap counter (for Olympic Ice Oval), emergency headlamp, blister pads, corn pads, alcohol wipes, ginger chews, S Caps, Ibuprofen, small lubricant packs, emergency electrolyte tablets.

Layer 2: Roctane gus, regular gus, shot blocks, kleenex.

Layer 3: handwarmers, various sizes of coban wrap, various types of tape, emergency water bottle, electrolyte powder, KT tape, bag of emergency TP, doggy waste bags (useful for dog and other purposes)

2 thoughts on “Taking an idea and "running" with it

  1. Thanks for posting this! It is so awesome. I'm using this for sure!


  2. That is a great way to have all your running garb readily accessible. Thanks for sharing.


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